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    ������������ WeatherRisk 結果共174筆

  • Taiwan braces for sweltering heat, thunderstorms this week

    Explore the dynamic weather forecast for Taiwan as reported by WeatherRisk: A surge in subtropical high pressure, a front from the Yangtze River region affecting temperatures, potential thunderstorms, and varied wind changes leading to fluctuating weather conditions from hot to brief rainfall, concluding with a weekend of stable, warmer weather before another front approaches, possibly stirring convective responses and increased rain chances.
    2024/04/17 09:46
  • 鋒面到!明上班「防雷雨」週二天氣轉涼 這天才放晴回溫

    由於鋒面滯留影響,今(7)日、明(8)日全台天氣將持續陰沉,並有局部短暫陣雨,甚至有降雷雨的可能,臉書粉專「天氣風險 WeatherRisk」中寫道,北部及宜花地區高溫約24至26度,低溫約18至21度;中南部及台東地區高溫約27至31度,低溫約23至26度。提醒外出民眾攜帶雨具,並留意天氣變化。
    2024/04/07 20:23
  • 連熱4天!週末高溫「飆破30度」 下週2波變天又掉1字頭

    今(21日)白天全台回暖明顯有感,明(22日)至下週一(25日)氣溫持續攀升,週末有機會來到30度左右,内陸、近山區還會再熱一些;氣象粉專「天氣風險 WeatherRisk」預測,下週有2波東北季風,分別是下週二(26日)及下週五(29日)左右報到,不過目前看來強度都偏弱,再達到冷氣團的機會不大。
    2024/03/21 20:06
  • Warmer weekend ahead: Taiwan’s weather forecast update

    Stay updated on the latest weather conditions in Taiwan with this comprehensive report covering rising temperatures, expected showers, and potential fog warnings. Get insights from WeatherRisk specialists on temperature fluctuations and upcoming weather patterns for the region.
    2024/03/14 13:47
  • Taiwan weather: cold front causes major temperature plunge

    Stay updated on the latest weather changes in Taiwan as a cold front sweeps across the region, bringing a significant temperature drop. Follow WeatherRisk analyst Ke Yu-ning’s insights as the country braces for overcast skies and chilly conditions, with the cold air mass expected to linger until Saturday.
    2024/03/06 14:44
  • 回暖僅2天!強烈冷氣團接力再襲 全台濕冷直探10度

    明日將迎來短暫回暖!根據氣象粉專天氣風險 WeatherRisk的最新預報,此波冷氣團將於明(28日)減弱,天氣由多雲轉晴,風向轉為偏東風至東南風。北部山區、東半部至恆春半島仍可能有零星短暫雨,但日間氣溫將有明顯回溫,北部高溫可達22至24度。
    2024/02/27 20:46
  • Northeast monsoon cools down Taiwan with chilly temperatures

    The northeastern monsoon has brought cooler temperatures across Taiwan, with lows of 12-13 degrees Celsius in the north. Southern and central regions, as well as eastern areas, are slightly warmer with temperatures ranging from 14 to 17 degrees. WeatherRisk predicts daytime highs of 15-17 degrees in the north, 21-25 degrees in the center, 24-27 degrees in the south, and 18-23 degrees in the east. Tomorrow, as the northeast monsoon weakens, all areas are expected to see improving conditions and largely sunny to partially cloudy weather. Radiation cooling will drive down temperatures to around 12 degrees in the north. Temperatures around the country will gradually rise next week, with southern and central Taiwan potentially reaching 30 degrees by next Wednesday, and the north and east seeing highs between 27 and 28 degrees. However, a front approaching next Thursday may bring brief local showers in the northern and eastern halves of the island, while conditions in most other places are forecast to remain largely cloudy to sunny.
    2024/02/16 10:25
  • Taiwan braces for a chilly week ahead with snow predictions

    Expect fair weather through Friday, followed by cooler and wetter conditions from Saturday to next Wednesday, according to WeatherRisk meteorologist Ke Yu-ning. Temperatures in Taiwan will continue to rise on Thursday, with increased cloud cover in mountainous areas. Coastal areas will see a 1-2 degree drop in high temperatures on Friday, while inland regions will remain warm. The chance of rain is relatively high in eastern parts and the Hengchun Peninsula. The expected weather front has been delayed and is now forecasted to pass over Taiwan from Saturday morning to Sunday morning. Northern temperatures will fall from 16-21 degrees to 14-17 degrees over the weekend and into next week, while central and southern regions will experience a daily decrease of 1-2 degrees. A significant temperature drop is expected on Monday and Tuesday, with the coldest weather occurring Tuesday evening into Wednesday morning, when temperatures may fall to around 9-10 degrees Celsius in most urban areas. Despite a slight warming during the day on Wednesday, conditions will remain chilly. High-altitude regions may experience snowfall next week, with the snowfall altitude potentially increasing to 2500 meters as cold air diminishes. Temperatures in these areas may approach or drop to freezing from Monday evening through Thursday, creating the opportunity for snow.
    2024/01/18 11:15
  • Taiwan braces for cloudy weather, sporadic rainfall

    WeatherRisk has reported that there will be generally cloudy weather in Taiwan due to the shift of clouds in the south. There may also be sporadic rainfall in the mountains of central and southern Taiwan. The impact of the continental cold air mass moving out to sea along the coast of China has weakened the cold air around Taiwan, causing minimal low temperatures to rise. The Liyu Lake in Hualien and Luye Township in Taitung recorded temperatures of 11 and 12.4 degrees Celsius, respectively. The continued shift of clouds in the south might slightly increase the chance of rainfall in the central and southern regions, as well as affect the eastern areas with sporadic downpours. With no significant weather systems nearby, Taiwan will experience an increase in daytime temperatures under the influence of northeast to east winds. Northern regions will see temperatures of 23-26 degrees Celsius, while the central and southern regions will hover around 24-26 degrees Celsius. On Friday, environmental moisture will gradually decrease under the influence of the northeast monsoon, resulting in mostly cloudy weather with possible sporadic rainfall across Taiwan. Saturday, the start of the New Year holiday, will see a weakening of the northeast monsoon, raising the temperature and bringing mostly cloudy weather, with sporadic rainfall possible only in the eastern parts. However, Sunday will see a stronger northeast monsoon, leading to stable but cloudy weather with sporadic showers in eastern Taiwan. On New Year’s Day next Monday, Taiwan will experience generally sunny to cloudy weather under the influence of the northeast monsoon, with no significant chance of rain. The general public is advised to consider this weather information when planning holiday activities.
    2023/12/27 10:15
  • 東北風2波接力!先乾後濕「一路下到週末」 最冷14度時間曝

    2023/11/26 20:20
  • 秋老虎休假!北台灣「一天掉10度」時間曝 2地區濕涼2天繼續熱

    2023/11/02 19:29
  • 把握好天氣!本週兩階段變天 這天起「雨彈炸3天」

    2023/10/23 20:24
  • 東北季風週末發威!溫度「V字型」降6度 北台濕答答回暖時間曝

    明(21日)受到東北季風影響,不只桃園以北、東部、北部山區有局部短暫雨外,全台氣溫也會隨之下滑,其中北台灣空曠沿海地區低溫將下探至18度、19度,中南部天氣以多雲為主。氣象粉專「天氣風險 WeatherRisk」也提醒,下週二到四(24至26日)天氣好轉回暖,但下週五(27日)水氣再增,屆時,北部和東部降雨又會增多。
    2023/10/20 20:00
  • 明晚變天!東北季風發威「天氣溜滑梯」 下週低溫恐探1字頭

    週末(14、15日)台灣天氣依舊維持東北季風環境,不過受到輻射冷卻影響,低溫下探至21度,且迎風面地區水氣逐漸增多,因此氣象粉專「天氣風險 WeatherRisk」也提醒,東北部有機會出現短暫陣雨,至於西半部日夜溫差大,清晨要留意20度上下低溫。
    2023/10/13 20:23
  • 東北風增強「3段變天」!這天起雨區再擴大 低溫恐跌破20度

    明(13日)東北季風減弱,水氣減少,各地轉為多雲到晴的好天氣,不過迎風面恐有短暫陣雨,氣象粉專「天氣風險 WeatherRisk」提醒,日夜溫差較大,早出晚歸別忘了帶件外套,以免著涼;另外週日(15日)將有新一波東北季風南下,桃園以北、東半部地區及中南部山區,可能會有局部短暫雨。
    2023/10/12 20:17
  • 變冷了!明起雨勢趨緩溫差大 北部週末恐「跌破20度」

    受到東北風及對流雲系發展旺盛影響,北台灣降溫明顯,今(11)日各地低溫約落在23~25度,北部郊區更下探至20度左右。氣象粉專「天氣風險 WeatherRisk」指出,明(12日)起水氣減少,但局部地區的日夜溫差有機會達到10度甚至以上;不過週末又有另一股東北季風增強,桃園以北、東半部地區及北部山區有局部短暫雨,午後南部地區及中部山區有局部短暫雷陣雨。
    2023/10/11 20:07
  • 小犬颱風路徑北修!6地區雨彈躲不掉 對台影響一次看

    第14號颱風「小犬」持續增强當中,TVBS氣象專家謝明昌表示,預估明(2)日有機會增强為中度颱風,暴風圈也會持續擴大。氣象粉專「天氣風險 WeatherRisk」提醒,下週三(4日)或週四(5日)對台灣影響最劇烈。
    2023/10/01 20:19
  • 中秋連假恐遇雨掃興!9縣市賞月指數滿分 「小犬」成颱機率增

    明(29日)開始,將是一連三天的中秋連續假期,接下來這幾天皆維持東北風的環境,因此迎風面雲量稍多,局部地區也會出現零星短暫陣雨,中南部雖同樣晴空萬里,不過氣象粉專「天氣風險 WeatherRisk」也提醒,中午過後要注意雷陣雨,早晚氣溫稍涼,得特別注意日夜溫差。
    2023/09/28 19:59
  • 午後雨下不完!週五變天「雨區擴大」 中秋恐遇颱風掃興

    週四(21日)之前,全台持續維持偏東風的環境,因此各地天氣相當晴朗,但山區甚至到平地,中午過後仍要留意午後熱對流帶來的陣雨,不過氣象粉專「天氣風險 WeatherRisk」也透露,週五(22日)起受到微弱鋒面掠過北部海面影響,北部地區將稍稍轉涼,對中南部的影響較小。此外,下週可能會有熱帶擾動生成,不排除增強成熱帶低壓或颱風,也需要持續追蹤觀察。
    2023/09/18 20:04
  • 好天氣到週四!北台「轉涼迎雨」時間曝 熱帶系統發展機率增

    今(17日)依舊是相當晴朗的好天氣,預計這樣的天氣還能維持4至5天,主要原因為大環境吹起偏東風,水氣逐漸減少的情況下,只有迎風面的東部及恆春半島會出現局部短暫雨勢,午後雷陣雨也以山區為主,不過氣象粉專「天氣風險 WeatherRisk」也叮嚀,近期早晚溫差轉涼,白天較為暖熱,早出晚歸的民眾要注意保暖。
    2023/09/17 19:39
  • 好天氣沒了!週末雷雨區擴全台 降雨「最劇烈時間」曝

    由於持續受到偏南風影響,全台附近水氣仍多,各地山區午後有短暫雷陣雨,氣象粉專「天氣風險 WeatherRisk」直言,午後局部地區雷陣雨的範圍有較增廣趨勢,更有機會影響鄰近的平地區域,加上清晨較涼、中午較熱,日夜溫差大,早出晚歸的民眾要注意保暖。
    2023/09/15 20:09
  • 要變天了!週五雨區再擴大 「首波東北季風」這天到

    週五(15日)各地仍爲多雲到晴的天氣,TVBS氣象專家謝明昌提醒,東半部地區及恆春半島會有零星降雨,午後西半部地區及其他山區有局部短暫降雨。週六至下週一(16日-18日)有微弱低壓靠近台灣南部海面,水氣逐漸增多,降雨機率提高。另外,氣象粉專「天氣風險 WeatherRisk」預估,下週四、週五(21-22日)入秋第一波東北季風將報到。
    2023/09/14 20:20
  • 好天氣要掰了!週五起雨彈擴大 「首波東北季風」最快報到時間曝

    本週天氣大致穩定,白天陽光溫暖偏熱,晚上轉涼帶點秋意,不過週末天氣將要出現變化了,週五(15日)起午後熱對流發展旺盛,降雨範圍將會擴大,雨勢也會增強,而今年入秋的「首波東北季風」也將要報到,氣象粉專「天氣風險 WeatherRisk」預估出最快南下的時間點。
    2023/09/13 19:19
  • 把握好天氣!週末起風雲變色 「首波大陸高壓」南下時間曝

    2023/09/12 20:21
  • 9月上旬就轉涼!「晚上免開冷氣」一票人有感 氣象粉專給解答

    2023/09/12 05:20
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